"For Cristina Jambas, from Chocolicor Caldas da Rainha, the presence in the 27th edition of Tasquinhas de Rio Maior was far from being a debut. “This must be the fifth or sixth consecutive year that we do the tasquinhas” , he says, while adding that he is “going well” .
At the company's stall located in the Industrial Zone of Caldas da Rainha, the traditional Ginja de Óbidos was the biggest attraction, but there were also other liqueurs that visitors could drink on the spot or take home, duly bottled.
The expectations, “identical to those of last year, were achieved” . Cristina Jambas highlights only that Monday and Tuesday were “bad days because nobody was here” . Even so, he says that the decision of the municipality to charge entrances only between Friday and Sunday was a good one. The remaining days were “balanced, within what tend to be the little taverns” .
See the full article at the following link: https://gazetadascaldas.pt/sociedade/rio-maior-volta-a-unir-geracoes-em-torno-da-gastronomia-regional/